Quality without costing the earth

Between rising costs of energy, ingredients and staff – and the ever-growing eco-consciousness of consumers – reducing, reusing and recycling isn’t a choice for food operators anymore. It’s vital for business.

According to WRAP, the hospitality and foodservice industry plays a major role in food waste, making up about 12% of the total waste in the UK.

But that doesn’t mean having to compromise on quality. In fact, there are lots of ways Macphie helps our customers do more with less. From clever products that are good to go with low-to-no prep; to cost-effective ways to create low-waste menus with eco-friendly ingredients; to carrying our sustainability commitments through the entire supply chain – we’re here to show customers that good-quality food doesn’t need to cost the earth.



As the cost-of-living crisis continues, more and more businesses are feeling the squeeze on their finances. Whether it’s the cost of fuel and electricity or staffing and man hours – even little savings can make a huge difference to our customers.

The simplicity and versatility of Macphie products means our customers can cut their costs without compromising quality.

Our range of savoury sauces have been designed to help chefs cut down on preparation time and costs, as sauces do not have to be made from scratch. Demi-Glace, for example, requires many ingredients and a lot of work to create, but our Demi-Glace is ready to use straight from the carton, meaning minimal skill set is required to create delicious dishes!

Other than our frozen cookie dough, our entire range can be stored ambiently. Not only does this save money on energy bills but it also improves your carbon footprint, as products can be stored in cupboards as opposed to being stored in fridges/freezers, which are running 24/7 and using electricity.

We ensure our cake mixes are simple to make, with most mixes only requiring the addition of water & oil and egg to create an array of bakes. Top with our Frostings, which are ready to use from the pail, requiring no preparation time or electricity for whipping.

And our range of sweet and savoury sauces can be served hot or cold. Not only that, but no heating up sauce is required when applying to the likes of burgers or croquettes, as the sauce’s temperature will heat up through the heat of the application, which will reduce the cost of your energy!

From sauces that can be served with low-to-no heating, to cream alternatives that don’t need refrigeration, to ready-mixes that enable any member of staff to make delicious foods in a jiffy – our products are packed with clever ways to cut costs and take the heat off our customers.



Environmental concerns are literally a hot issue for consumers. They want the businesses they buy from to do their bit for the planet too – and without it costing them the earth.

Thankfully, Macphie products come with sustainability baked in. As a certified B-Corporation, we are continually reviewing our sustainability agenda in order to support our customers, consumers and the overall environment.

Our recycled and recyclable packaging enables our customers to cut their landfill waste. Our Tetra cartons are made from 87% renewable material, meaning it’s just as sweet for the environment as it is for your customers. We also sign post what can be done with it after you have finished every last drop of it!

Our products are designed to work beautifully with sustainable ingredients, such as meat-free options and seasonal produce. Try combining beef and lentils with Macphie Béchamel with Butter Sauce to create a lasagna, or replace tortilla chips with sweet potatoes when in season to make this nachos dish.

Our initiatives to continually improve our own sustainability means our customers benefit from a low-carbon supply chain and contribute to the community with every order.

We have invested in a biomass plant, wind turbines, and solar panels to ensure all the energy we use comes from renewable sources.

In addition, most of our liquid waste from manufacturing processes is treated and returned to the local river at the same quality, which is monitored by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. On top of this, over 50% of solid waste is recycled, reused or composted by Glenbervie Home Farm, which limits the businesses’ waste total.

Finally, we give back to our communities. We have partnered up with FareShare, the UK’s largest charitable food redistribution network that redirect surplus food to those who need it. In the last year, we have been able to help 413 charities by donating over 10 tonnes of food – which is the equivalent of over 24,000 meals and 20 tonnes of C02 prevented from being wasted. We also donate one percent of our profits to local charities and community groups every year. Last year alone we donated £50,000 to over 100 causes such as local youth football teams, events in the area and supporting the committees behind local golf courses, green spaces and play parks. Find out more on our Force for Good page.



For our customers, food wastage can feel like literally throwing money away. As much as 30% of food made for human consumption is thrown away untouched. Waste generated from kitchens has a significant financial and environmental impact, and therefore it is important to explore your options to find efficient ingredients and ways of working.

But our products have a number of nifty benefits that can help food operators curtail the growing financial and environmental costs of wastage.

Many of our products boast an impressive shelf-life, helping customers minimise loss through expiration. Once opened, our savoury sauces last 7 days when refrigerated, and our range of icings, fillings and frostings keep until the end of shelf life. Based on this, businesses can plan ahead, and order in bulk, without the pressure of using all the stock in a short period of time and the potential of wasting large quantities during quieter periods. Furthermore, placing larger, less frequent orders will reduce carbon emissions from deliveries, again having a positive impact on the environment.

They’re also versatile, able to offer varied menus without bloating’ SKU inventories and enabling customers to re-use foods in new applications to minimise wastage. It is important to find ways of reusing unused foods to create new meals instead of letting them go to waste. Yesterday’s baguettes can be transformed into today’s pizza baguettes, or use Crème Cake off cuts as an inclusion in your ice cream sundaes.

And not only that, but you can make our products go further too. Our dairy cream alternative range can be whipped up to 3x the volume, delivering a great yield.


For more sustainably inspired recipes, head over to our recipes page – www.macphie.com/recipe-categories/quality-without-costing-the-earth, or keep up-to-date with our latest campaign by following @MacphieUK on LinkedIn, X, Instagram and Facebook.