recipe Taste the World
At a time when consumers are always seeking new sensory experiences and immersion in different cultures, the versatility of Macphie’s products gives our customers a passport to explore foreign flavours from all over the world.
Working well with inclusions, they allow exotic additions to take customers on a flavour journey through far-flung destinations. They’re great for making sharing-sized bakes that can be tied in with special events and celebrations. And they’re extremely adaptable, able to be tweaked and transformed into different formats for different tastes.
Thats why Macphie is the perfect partner to taste the word.
Recipe Chocolate loaded crookie
Recipe Twice baked crookie
Recipe Date, Rose and Pistachio Tiramisu cookies
Recipe Churros Style Viennese
Recipe Mini matcha Bundt cakes
Recipe Twice Baked Loaded Crookie
Recipe Caramel Cube Croissant
Recipe Chocolate Cube Croissant
Recipe Strawberry Cube Croissant
Recipe Sweet Snow® Cube Croissants
Recipe Tiramisu Choux Artisan
Recipe Matcha millionaires shortbread
Recipe Strawberry Petit Gateaux
Recipe Panettone