Method: Makes 14 slices

  1. Place Madeira Cake Mix & butter into a machine bowl fitted with a beater & blend until fully combined.

  2. Add in the water and mix on slow speed for 1 minute, scrape down.

  3. Mix for a further 4 minutes on middle speed and give a final minute on slow speed.

  4. Split the batter into 3 equal amounts and add each food colouring to a bowl until you get desired colour – leave one plain. Always go darker/stronger thank you want the bake to turn out.

  5. Deposit batter into tray and bake for approx. 30 minutes at 180°C.

  6. Once cool level off the top of the slabs, sandwich together with Macphie Vanilla Frosting.

  7. Heat up Macphie 5th Avenue® White Icing to between 40-50°C and colour a small amount pink or use Macphie 5th Avenue® Strawberry Flavour Icing.

  8. Flood the top of the cake with white icing and level off, using the pink in a piping bag with a small hole pipe lines across the length of the cake , using a small cocktail stick feather back & forth to get the desired effect on top.