

  1. Roll out the sweet pastry until 1cm thick.

  2. Line in a fluted tin and chill for as long as possible, approx. 30 mins Prick the bottoms of the base lightly.

  3. Once chilled blind bake the case – place in some parchment paper and baking beans= bake on 170°C for approx. 35/40 mins until golden brown

  4. Once golden, remove the parchment paper and check that the bottom has cooked evenly

  5. Line with egg yolk and bake for 1 minute so the egg sets. Allow to cool.

  6. Bring the Machpie crème brulee or Macphie Panna Cotta mix to the boil and remove from the heat. Add in the matcha tea powder and white chocolate, mix well until all of the chocolate has melted and the matcha tea powder has dispersed.

  7. 1.Pour into the prebaked tart case and allow to cool.

  8. Decorate with fresh berries as required.