Simple solutions to stand out from the crowd - Macphie

At Macphie, we are always looking for the next best thing for you to feed your customers. However, you don’t always need to look that far away! 

It can be very easy to run out of ideas to wow your customers. But by simply changing the flavour, shape, or colour, you can transform your goods into a unique offering, which can create a sense of desire and excitement. 



One of the most effective ways of spicing up your products is by adding flavour. It can help bring your food to life, and add value to your traditional bakes and foods.

Ever considered making chorizo sausage rolls?  Or how about a dark chocolate and cherry Crème Brûlée to keep your menu fresh?

Think about adding flavours which are popular and on-trend. Mexican foods, for example, continue to dominate in 2023, so Macphie Plant-based Taco Sauce will be a welcomed addition to your sweet potato fries or burgers this summer. Continuing with the Mexican theme, churros are a perfect dish to end a meal with, or alternatively as a snack when on the go.

Why not explore seasonal produce. Not only will it make your goods taste even better, but it is also good for the planet, as you can source local produce which has been grown using lower levels of artificial inputs such as heating and lighting.

We know that consumers are more aware than ever of eating products that are in season. According to Ocado, because of recent fruit and vegetable shortages, which led to rationing in supermarkets, around two-thirds of consumers are keen to eat seasonally.

A simple panna cotta, for example, can be tailored to the Easter period by adding rosewater and pistachio, two fresh flavours which are accessible and on-trend during the opening months of the year.

Perhaps a more traditional flavour to put a twist on your classics? As we enter the summer months, we begin to see juicy, bright berries appear on our supermarket shelves. Consider adding them to your offerings for a fruity taste which will leave your customers feeling refreshed, such as a Viennese-topped pie.

Or why not be even more adventurous and create sprout flavoured biscuits for your customers during the Christmas period!

And then there are seasonal trending flavours such as pumpkin spice latte in the autumn which are trends worth tapping in to. Speculoos flavour is on the increase – try some as a finishing on your doughnuts to delight your customers.



Sometimes it can be as simple as customising the shape of your product. 

By doing so, you can turn one mix into an array of different goods, suitable for several different occasions and customers.  

Take our Shortbread Mix for example. By looking out your shape cutters and getting creative, you can make a bunny rabbit to hop into Easter, a love heart to share the love on Valentine’s Day, a skull to spook your customers at Halloween, or a Christmas tree to get in the festive spirit at Christmas – all from one mix (but that’s a secret that your customers don’t need to know)!   



Catch your customers eye by trying out new colours! 

There has been an association between colour and taste for years. It is believed that after seeing the colours of goods, consumers create a perception in their head of how it will taste. Not only that, but they will also gain a better understanding of the quality and freshness too.  

It is vital that you create goods which are visually appealing in order to positively affect the consumers decision to make the purchase.  

Furthermore, today’s ‘social media generation’ seek foods which are vibrant and ‘Instagram-worthy’, which is achievable by adding new colours to a simple recipe.  

By adding colour to Macphie 5th Avenue® White Icing, you can transform one product into multiple different looks, like these fruit-shaped biscuits for example.  

Similar to flavour, why not consider adding colours which are suitable for the current season? Pink and red are popular choices for Valentine’s Day, as they symbolise love and affection. Add a hint of pink to your celebration cake and watch your customers fall in love with it. 

Orange and black are associated with the Halloween season, and are ideal colours for making your Halloween treats frighteningly good. Try turning your Swiss Roll orange at Halloween – the result will be scarily good! 


Macphie’s products are extremely versatile, meaning you have the freedom to get adventurous and creative to make stand-out, tasty goods. We provide you with the foundations to produce wonderful creations which will leave your customers amazed.  

For more inspiration, check out our recipe page